E. Poetry rooms of Keizerstraat 57 and 81
18.00 – 22.00
In the living room of Keizerstraat 57 you will find Dichters bij Kaarslicht together with Katakat. The presentation is in the hands of former city poet Hanneke Leroux.
Katakat is a sparkling music duo that has been present at Gouda bij Kaarslicht for a number of years. The duo plays exclusively their own songs, in Dutch and English. Subdued and exuberant: a must for dance-loving eavesdroppers.
16.00 – 16.25 Junior poets from schools GSG Leo Vroman and CSG Goudse Waarden
Florian, Rafael, Jade, Tessa, Ingmar, Aimee and Matthea.
16.30 – 16.55 Caro van Amerongen and Oliver Kruse Dougherty
17.00 – 17.25 Hans Wierenga and Marai Ebben
18.00 – 18.25 uur Ben van Bommel en Huub van Doorn
18.30 – 18.55 uur Jan Bulsink en Nelly van de Gaarden
20.00 – 20.25 Marai Ebben and Noa Heddergott
20.30 – 21.00 Corie Grootendorst and Ivette Meijerink
21.00 – 21.30 Oliver Kruse Dougherty and Aart Both
21.30 – 22.00 Ruud Broekhuizen and Chris Bellekom

📸 Katakat

📸 Ton van Nierop
20.00 – 22.00
In the living room of Keizerstraat 81 you will find Poets by Candlelight together with pianist Ton van Nierop. Presentation is in the hands of Jorris Hoste.
Ton van Nierop is a versatile musician and has more than earned his musical spurs at home and abroad as a conductor, composer, organist and pianist. Today he is inspired with his improvisations by various poets who will perform their own work.
After each change of poet he plays his musical story on the piano.
20.00 – 20.25 Hans Wierenga and Beatrijs Vaessens
20.30 – 20.55 Ivette Meijerink, Corie Grootendorst and Caro van Amerongen
21.00 – 21.00 Ruud Broekhuijzen and Jan Bulsink
21.30 – 22.00 Jorris Hoste and Noa Heddergott